Temperate Basses and Crappie

Temperate Bass and Crappie
Family: Centrarchidae
Genus: Moronidae, Pomoxis
This category of fish consists of a few more popular game fish, that are slightly harder to categorize. Most of these fish prefer particularly clear and calm waters, so Amistad is an ideal habitat.
  1. Separated dorsal fins
  2. Pointed body fins
  3. Opercle is pointed
  4. Forked caudal fins
  5. Horizontal stripes usually evident in adults
Pomoxis does not possess separated dorsal fins and is often more commonly confused with sunfish.
white bass
White Bass

Chad Thomas

White Bass
(Morone chrysops)
This highly sought after sport fish has been widely introduced to reservoirs across the country. Early in spring these fish will move upstream to spawn in shallower waters. During this time females perform an incredible feat, by some estimates producing almost 1 million eggs in a single spawning season. Only once the eggs are laid and fertilized will the bass will return to deeper waters.
Horizontal stripes on the white bass are found primarily on the dorsal portion on the body. Body length is less than 3 times the body depth (as opposed to the striped bass which is more elongate).
striped bass
Striped Bass

Chad Thomas

Striped Bass
(Morone saxatilis)
Striped bass can grow scores longer than most other bass, and have been measured up to 6 feet long. This has made them increasingly popular as a gamefish in recent years. They have since replaced white bass as a stock for fisheries and reservoirs. Juveniles usually prefer shallow areas with rock and gravel substrate, but as they grow larger and older they can be found just about anywhere in the reservoir.
This basses body stripes are often consistent and stretch across more of the body than the white bass. You can find 6-9 horizontal stripes on adults, but juveniles may lack stripes and instead have vertical bars.
white crappie
White Crappie

Chad Thomas

White Crappie
(Pomoxis annularis)
Commonly used as a gamefish (especially in lake Texoma) the white crappie (pronounced "croppy") is relatively easily caught while still maintaining a good size. Pomoxis is Greek, meaning “opercle sharp"; a reference to the spines on the gill cover, or opercle. Annularis is Latin, meaning “having rings,” in reference to the dark bands extending around the body.
Much like the sunfish it can often be confused with, it has a darkened lateral line that curves dorsally. It’s tail is less forked, even emarginate, and possesses spots. It can be differentiated from sunfish by counting the dorsal spines. Most sunfish have 9-10, while the crappie has around 6.

Last updated: February 11, 2019

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