Below is a list of our common native plants, including their scientific name and location. View a complete list of all species found in acadia on our Species List page.
alder, green or mountain
Alnus viridis ssp. crispa mountains
alder, speckled
Alnus incana ssp. rugosa meadows arrowhead, common
Sagittaria latifolia freshwater marshes and ponds ash, American mountain
Sorbus americana coniferous woods ash, white
Fraxinus americana deciduous woods aspen, big-toothed
Populus grandidentata deciduous woods, roads and meadows aspen, trembling
Populus tremuloides deciduous woods, roads and meadows
Aster spp. mountains aster, bog Aster nemoralis bogs aster, flat-topped white
Doellingeria umbellata meadows aster, large-leaved Aster macrophyllus deciduous woods aster, New York Symphyotrichum novi-belgii meadows B bearberry
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi mountain tops and dry, rocky places beech, American
Fagus grandifolia deciduous woods birch, gray Betula populifolia mountain tops and dry, rocky places birch, paper Betula papyrifera deciduous woods birch, yellow
Betula alleghaniesis deciduous woods bladderwort, horned Utricularia cornuta freshwater marshes and ponds blueberry, high-bush Vaccinium corymbosum freshwater marshes and ponds blueberry, low sweet Vaccinium angustifolium coniferous woods, deciduous woods, roads and meadows, mountain tops and dry, rocky places blueberry, velvet-leaf Vaccinium myrtilloides mountain tops and dry, rocky places blue-eyed-grass Sisyrinchium montanum var. crebrum roads and meadows bluejoint, Canada Calamagrostis canadensis freshwater marshes and ponds bluet Houstonia caerulea roads and meadows bog rosemary Andromeda polifolia var. glaucophylla bogs bunchberry Cornus canadensis coniferous woods, deciduous woods bush-honeysuckle Diervilla lonicera deciduous woods, mountain tops and dry, rocky places C cat-tail, common
Typha latifolia freshwater marshes and ponds cherry, choke Prunus virginiana deciduous woods cherry, pin Prunus pensylvanica deciduous woods, mountain tops and dry, rocky places chokeberry, black Photinia melanocarpa bogs, mountain tops and dry, rocky places cinquefoil, three-toothed Sibbaldiopsis tridentata mountain tops and dry, rocky places cotton-grass Eriophorum spp. bogs cranberry, large Vaccinium macrocarpon bogs cranberry, mountain Vaccinium vitis-idaea coniferous woods, mountain tops and dry, rocky places cranberry, small Vaccinium oxycoccos bogs crowberry, black
Empetrum nigrum bogs, mountain tops and dry, rocky places D dewdrop Rubus dalibarda coniferous woods dogbane, spreading Apocynum androsaemifolium roads and meadows E elder, red-berried or stinking Sambucus racemosa ssp. pubens deciduous woods F
fern, bracken Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum deciduous woods, mountain tops and dry, rocky places fern, Christmas Polystichum acrostichoides deciduous woods fir, balsam Abies balsamea coniferous woods fireweed Epilobium angustifolium roads and meadows G
goldenrod, gray
Solidago nemoralis
roads and meadows goldenrod, northern bog Solidago uliginosa
bogs goldenrod, Rand's Solidago simplex ssp. randii mountain tops and dry, rocky places goldenrod, rough-stemmed Solidago rugosa roads and meadows goldthread Coptis trifolia deciduous woods H
hairgrass Deschampsia flexuosa roads and meadows hardhack or steeplebush Spiraea tomentosa roads and meadows harebell Campanula rotundifolia mountain tops and dry, rocky places heather, golden Hudsonia ericoides
mountain tops and dry, rocky places
hemlock, eastern Tsuga canadensis
coniferous woods
hobblebush Viburnum lantanoides
coniferous woods, deciduous woods
holly, mountain Nemopanthus mucronatus
mountain tops and dry, rocky places
huckleberry, black Gaylussacia baccata
mountain tops and dry, rocky places
huckleberry, dwarf Gaylussacia dumosa var. bigeloviana bogs I
iris, blueflag Iris versicolor bogs J
juniper, common Juniperus communis var. depressa mountain tops and dry, rocky places juniper, creeping Juniperus horizontalis mountain tops and dry, rocky places
Labrador-tea Rhododendron groenlandicum bogs larch Larix laricina
laurel, bog Kalmia polifolia bogs laurel, sheep or lambkill Kalmia angustifolia bogs, deciduous woods, mountain tops and dry, rocky places leatherleaf Chamaedaphne calyculata bogs lily, bluebead Clintonia borealis coniferous woods, deciduous woods lobelia, water Lobelia dortmanna freshwater marshes and ponds loosestrife, whorled Lysimachia quadrifolia roads and meadows M
maple, mountain Acer spicatum deciduous woods maple, red Acer rubrum bogs, deciduous woods maple, striped Acer pensylvanicum deciduous woods maple, sugar Acer saccharum
deciduous woods
mayflower, Canada Maianthemum canadense
coniferous woods, deciduous woods, roads and meadows
meadow-rue, tall Thalictrum pubescens
roads and meadows
meadowsweet Spiraea alba var. latifolia
roads and meadows
milkweed, common Asclepias syriaca
roads and meadows
mountain holly Nemopanthus mucronatus coniferous woods O
oak, red Quercus rubra deciduous woods oatgrass, poverty Danthoia spicata
mountain tops and dry, rocky places
partridgeberry Mitchella repens conif pearly everlasting
Anaphalis margaritacea
roads and meadows
pickerelweed Pontederia cordata freshwater marshes and ponds
pine, jack Pinus banksiana
mountain tops and dry, rocky places
pine, pitch Pinus rigida mountain tops and dry, rocky places
pine, red Pinus resinosa
coniferous woods
pine, white Pinus strobus coniferous woods, deciduous woods pinesap Monotropa hypopithys
coniferous woods pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea
bogs poverty grass Danthonia spicata roads and meadows pyrola, one-flowered Moneses uniflora coniferous woods pyrola, round-leaved Pyrola americana
deciduous R
raspberry, red Rubus idaeus
mountain tops and dry, rocky places
rhodora Rhododendron candense bogs, freshwater marshes and ponds rose, bristly Rosa nitida
rose, swamp Rosa palustris freshwater marshes and ponds rose, Virginia or field Rosa virginiana roads and meadows, mountains and dry, rocky places S
sandwort, mountain Minuartia groenlandica mountain tops and dry, rocky places
sarsaparilla, bristly Aralia hispida
roads and meadows, mountain tops and dry, rocky places
sarsaparilla, wild Aralia nudicaulis
coniferous woods, deciduous woods, roads and meadows
saxifrage, early Saxifraga virginiensis
deciduous woods
shadbush or serviceberry Amerlanchier spp.
coniferous woods, deciduous woods, roads and meadows
shinleaf Pyrola elliptica
coniferous woods
snowberry, creeping Gaultheria hispidula
Solomon's seal, false Maianthemum racemosum
deciduous woods
Solomon's seal, small Polygonatum pubescens
spatterdock or yellow water-lily Nuphar variegata
freshwater marshes or ponds
spruce, black Picea mariana
spruce, red Picea rubens
coniferous woods
spruce, white Picea glauca
coniferous woods
St. Johns-wort, marsh Triadenum virginicum
freshwater marshes and ponds
starflower Trientalis borealis
coniferous woods, deciduous woods
strawberry, wild Fragaria virginiana
roads and meadows
sundew, round-leaved Drosera rotundifolia
sundew, spatulate-leaved Drosera intermedia
swamp candles Lysimachia terrestris
freshwater marshes and ponds
sweet gale Myrica gale
sweetfern Comptonia peregrina
mountain tops and dry, rocky places
trailing arbutus Epigaea repens
coniferous woods
turtlehead, white Chelone glabra
freshwater marshes and ponds
twinflower Linnaea borealis ssp. longiflora
deciduous woods
twisted stalk, rosy Streptopus lanceolatus
coniferous woods, deciduous woods
violet Viola spp.
deciduous woods
water-lily, fragrant Nymphaea odorata
freshwater marshes and ponds
white-cedar, northern Thuja occidentalis
deciduous woods, freshwater marshes and ponds
willow Salix spp.
roads and meadows
Ilex verticillata
wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens
coniferous woods, deciduous woods
witherod or wild raisin Viburnum nudum var. cassinoides
coniferous woods, mountain tops and dry, rocky places
wood sorrel, northern Oxalis montana
coniferous woods
woodreed, drooping Cinna latiolia
coniferous woods
yellow rattle Rhinanthus minor
roads and meadows
Last updated: March 22, 2022