Carroll Homestead - Maine Learning Results

Acadia National Park Education District
Carroll Homestead Program
Grade 4


  • To learn about coastal Maine life in the 1800s, using the Carrolls as a representative family.
  • To compare and contrast life today with life in the period from 1825-1925.
  • To recognize the park’s mission in protecting and preserving cultural history.


Students will be able to:

  • Describe in their own words, subsistence living in the 1800s.
  • List three subsistence practices used by the Carrolls (e.g. masonry, logging, farming, hunting, fishing, quarrying, food preservation, making clothes).
  • Identify two ways the Carrolls supplemented their resources (e.g. teaching, bartering, masonry, berries, seafaring).
  • Name five routine chores performed by the Carroll family members.
  • State two ways the Carrolls used their leisure time.
  • Describe one characteristic of 19th-century architecture represented by the Carroll’s house.
  • Specify two similarities and two differences between life today and life when the Carrolls lived at the Mountain House.
  • Give a reason why and how the Carroll Homestead is preserved as part of Acadia National Park.


Social Studies

B. Historical Knowledge, Concepts, and Patterns
Students will develop historical knowledge of enduring themes in the United States and Maine history.

Students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an awareness of major events and people in the United States and Maine history. (B-2)
    Who lives here and how did they get here? What different kinds of communities are found in Maine and the United States?

C. Historical Inquiry, Analysis, and Interpretation
Students will learn to evaluate resource material such as documents, artifacts, maps, artworks, and literature.

Students will be able to:

  • Identify changes currently occurring in their daily lives and compare these to changes in daily life during a specific historic era. (C-1)

B. Human Interaction with Environments
Students will understand and analyze the relationships among people and their physical environment.

Students will be able to:

  • Use a variety of materials and geographic tools to explain how the physical environment supports and constrains human activities. (B-3)

B. Economic Systems of the United States
Students will understand the economic system of the United States, including its principles, development, and institutions.

Students will be able to:

  • Identify the three basic economic questions all economic systems must answer: What to produce, how, and for whom? (B-1)
  • Explain how the economy of Maine affects families and communities. (B-2)

Science and Technology
M. Implications of Science and Technology
Students will understand the historical, social, economic, environmental, and ethical implications of science and technology.

Students will be able to:

  • Explore how cultures have found different technological solutions to deal with similar needs or problems (e.g., construction, clothing, agricultural tools and methods). (M-1)
  • Explore how technology (e.g., transportation, irrigation) has altered human settlement. (M-3)

Alignment with additional learning results may occur during programming.


Last updated: February 26, 2015

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