Picnic Area Permit Information
A cost recovery charge of $25 will be attached to any picnic permit in addition to the $20 processing fee.
Items of NoteATTENTION EDUCATION GROUPS Please book your free of charge educational experience through ABLI_Education@nps.gov All permits issued by the National Park Service are "revocable" without notice if the terms of the permit are violated.
At no time may other visitors' experience be directly impeded by any special use. They may not be approached, solicited, or harassed in any way.
All printed material that will be distributed must be attached to the initial application for review.
The more information you provide on the application results in a faster review process. It is better for us to have too much information than not enough, so please be as descriptive as possible in regards to what your activity will look like and involve.
Last updated: December 17, 2022