Commercial Filming PermitA commercial filming permit is required for any filming that involves models, sets, props, or professional filming services. If you are filming for a fee or will profit from your filming, a permit is required. A cost recovery charges may apply to any commercial filming permit which requires supervision or accompaniment of a Park Ranger.
A commercial photography permit is required for any photography in which parties will profit from the pictures or a fee has been charged for their services. Wedding photography, graduation/prom photography and artistic photography for the purpose of profit are all examples which fall under this category.
Cost recovery charges may apply to any commercial photography permit which requires the park to stay open after regular closing hours.
There is no flash photography allowed inside the Memorial Building or the Visitor Center.
There will be no accommodation for commercial activities that:
Items of NoteAll permits issued by the National Park Service are "revocable" without notice if the terms of the permit are violated. At no time may other visitors' experiences be directly impeded by any special use. They may not be approached, solicited, or harassed in any way.
All printed material that will be distributed must be attached to the initial application for review.
The more information you provide on the application results in a faster review process. It is better for us to have too much information than not enough, so please be as descriptive as possible in regards to what your activity will look like and involve.
Last updated: December 17, 2022