Student needs: (click here to download the following materials)
- Copy of lesson plan process
- Copy of Evaluation Rubric
- Copy of website links
- Copy of Diamante Instructions
Computer with web access and access to PowerPoint and Moviemaker software
Teacher needs:
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about President Lincoln's life/Kentucky influences
- Study resources to learn about history
- Use multiple sources of information
- Write in a variety of genres (timeline, feature article, brochure, diamante, movie maker, PowerPoint).
- Cite sources appropriately
- Use of pictures/illustrations
- Books, magazines
- Computers with web access and access to PowerPoint and Moviemaker software
- Familiarize self with computer programs needed for the variety of genres
- Familiarize self with suggested websites for students review and proper format for citations
- Familiarize self with other possible websites available for student review.
- Print out copies of the lesson plan process, the evaluation rubric, the website links, and the copy of the Diamante Instructions.