Parking - South Rim Visitor Center and Village

Looking down on a large curved parking lot with 4 rows for cars and a row of large pull-through spaces that are filled with RVs.
Parking Lot 1, at the South Rim Visitor Center Plaza has pull-through spaces for large RVs and vehicles with trailers. Parking Lot 1 is also the closest to the views of Grand Canyon at Mather Point and the Canyon Rim Trail.

Parking at the South Rim Visitor Center Plaza (Lots 1, 2, 3, 4)

South Rim Visitor Center Plaza Parking Lots adjacent to Mather Point and the Canyon Rim Trail.
Map showing the four parking lots (1, 2, 3, 4) for private vehicles surrounding Grand Canyon Visitor Center Plaza. Access to Mather Point and the Canyon Rim Trail is a short walk on one of several paved footpaths. Important: there are No Parking Spaces for RVs and/or Vehicles with Trailers in Lots 2, 3, 4. Large vehicles should NOT pull across multiple regular parking spaces.

As you drive into the Village area from the South Entrance Station, or from Desert View Drive, (State Route 64) signs will direct you to the Visitor Center Plaza Parking Complex.

As you approach, the Visitor Center Plaza parking lots are numbered, 1, 2, 3, 4, starting with Lot 1. (The lots are shown visually in the detailed map above.)

The parking areas are represented by numbers, colors, and animal symbols to help you remember where you left your car. You can also take a photo with your phone of your vehicle parked in the lot.

Restrooms are located in separate buildings on both ends of the Visitor Center Building.

  • Lot 1 is the closest to Mather Point and Grand Canyon views, and has Pull-through Spaces for RVs and Vehicles with Trailers.

  • Lot 2 is closer to the Visitor Center Plaza. No RV spaces.

  • Lot 3 often acts as the overflow lot is a short walk to the Visitor Center Plaza. No RV spaces.

  • Lot 4 is close to the Bicycle Rental/Café, GCC Park Store and the Visitor Center/ Plaza. No RV spaces.

Large vehicles should NOT pull across multiple regular parking spaces.


During the busy season, if you arrive by 9 am, you can usually find parking in one of the four lots around the Visitor Center Plaza.

What To Do Next:

See Grand Canyon

  • Walk ( 0.2 mile ) to Mather Point for your first view of Grand Canyon.

  • From Mather Point, you can continue walking by turning either east of west along the Canyon Rim Trail - or simply return to the Visitor Center.

Explore the Visitor Center Plaza

  • The Visitor Center building and information desk are open daily from 10 am to 4 pm, (winter hours).
  • The Visitor Center Theater is temporairly closed for renovation.
  • Trip planning and hiking information is also available through signs and exhibits outside of the building — and at other key locations throughout the park.
  • Park rangers are available to answer any questions you may have.

  • Within the plaza itself is Grand Canyon Conservancy's Park Store, featuring a wide variety of books, maps, apparel, souvenirs, and gifts.

    Also within the plaza, Bright Angel Bicycles & Café, rents bicycles, and offers guided bicycle tours. They have a coffee and espresso bar, and a variety of grab-and-go food items.

Free Shuttle Bus Service

  • From the Visitor Center Shuttle Bus Terminal, you can board a free Village (Blue) Route shuttle which connects the lodges, campgrounds, Backcountry Information Center, and Market Plaza, (market, deli, outdoor ATM, and a US. Post Office.
  • From the Visitor Center Shuttle Bus Terminal, another option is to take the Eastbound Kaibab Rim Route (Orange) Route shuttle to the South Kaibab Trailhead and Yaki Point scenic overlook, —or the Westbound Kaibab Rim (Orange) Route shuttle to Mather Point and Yavapai Geology Museum.

Overview Map of South Rim Village Parking Lots

While lots 1-4 near the Visitor Center Plaza provide for convenient parking, these lots fill by late morning during busy periods, including spring break, summer and holidays during the fall and winter.

Additional parking is available in lots A-B at Market Plaza and C-D in the Village Historic District. The three lots that can accommodate RVs (1, B, and D) are indicated by green arrows.

Grand Canyon village parking map shows parking lots 1-4 and A-D

Parking at Market Plaza and in the Village Historic District (Lots A, B, C, D)

Parking is available in lots throughout Grand Canyon Village. Please avoid parking along the roadside except where signs or lines on the road indicate that it is permissible. RVs and vehicles with trailers should only park in designated areas. Large vehicles should NOT pull across multiple regular parking spaces. Lots A-D are described in more detail here and shown in the map above.

  • Lot A: Near Park Headquarters, is a long parking lot, across the street from Market Plaza. It tends fill in the early afternoon. Lot A does NOT have space for RVs or vehicles with trailers

  • Lot B: Near the businesses in Market Plaza. This is the largest lot and has space for RVs and vehicles with trailers. This lot tends to fill in early afternoon. The Post Office, Chase Bank, General Store and Yavapai Lodge are located here

  • Lot C: This small lot in the village, near the intersection of Center and Village Loop Roads may have parking spots when others lots are filled. Lot C does NOT have space for RVs or vehicles with trailers

  • Lot D: A large lot near the Backcountry Information Center (BIC) in the Village. May have parking spots when others lots are filled. The southern portion of this lot, just beyond the BIC building, has large, pull-through spaces for RVs and vehicles with trailers.

    When it is busy in the village, Lot D is the best lot to park in to access the Hermit Road (Red) Route Shuttle, Bright Angel Trailhead, and the Village itself.


The South Rim Pocket Map and Services Guide

Contains a map of the bus stops, parking areas, lodges, campgrounds and trails with distances. Download

Map showing South Rim Grand Canyon Village and Vicinity showing four shuttle bus routes that are in service during summer 2024
This summer, four shuttle bus routes are in service from May 25, through September 6, 2024. Kaibab Rim (Orange) Route, right, transports visitors to S. Kaibab Trailhead and outstanding views at Yaki Point. Village (Blue) Route, center, connects Visitor Center with lodges, campgrounds, Backcountry Information Center, and Market Plaza (general store and post office). Hermit Road (Red) Route travels a 7-mile scenic road with spectacular overlooks. Tusayan (Purple) Route to the gateway community.

Visit this webpage (updated daily) for a list of what is open and closed, hours of operation, and COVID-19 updates.

a parking lot filled to capacity with 4 rows of cars.
Parking Lot 2 on a busy day - Grand Canyon Visitor Center (S. Rim)

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Last updated: May 25, 2024

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Grand Canyon, AZ 86023



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