Water Quality

The fundamental purpose of the National Park Service is to preserve unimpaired the splendor of the National Parks for the enjoyment of future generations. This mission includes protecting the water quality at Little River Canyon National Preserve.

To accomplish this goal it is appropriate that we test the water in the Preserve and surrounding areas. This information is needed to make scientifically sound management decisions regarding the water quality within the Preserve.

Water samples are collected and analyzed for total coliform and Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria.

Sampling Sites

Bacteria - What are they?

Turbidity - What is it?

Cumberland Piedmont Network

The general purpose of the CUPN Monitoring Program is to provide information to detect, predict, and understand changes in major ecosystem resources of primary interest to the park(s) that contain them. Central to achieving this purpose, is the identification of sets of resources or system attributes for monitoring. Our network's challenge is to build a size-limited, practical, "do fewer things better" monitoring program that emphasize addressing park management needs in an ecosystem-relevant context.

Escherichia coli Monitoring at Little River Canyon National Preserve

Water Quality Testing Results for 2017
January 2017 Total Coliforms
colonies/100 ml sample
E. coli
colonites/100 ml sample
CMLR Canyon Mouth Picnic Area 104.60 16.10
JCJC Johnnie's Creek 161.60 11.90
EPLR Eberhart Point Trail 154.10 13.40
HBLR AL Hwy 35 bridge 198.90 26.90
YCYC Yellow Creek 416.00 68.90
BFLR Billy's Ford 53.80 23.10
DSLR DeSoto State Park 116.90 51.20
DFLR DeSoto Falls 52.00 1.00
LCLR Lake Lahausage Dam 9.60 2.00
MFLR Middle Fork on AL Hwy 117 139.60 62.00
EFLR East Fork on AL Hwy 117 110.60 42.00

Last updated: July 12, 2017

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

4322 Little River Trail NE Ste 100
Fort Payne, AL 35967


256 845-9605 x201
Main phone number for Little River Canyon National Preserve.

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