Camping Closure in the Gloomy Knob Area

The stream near the southern end of Gloomy Knob is an important feeding area for Glacier Bay brown bears.
Bear activity is high in this area because this stream is one of the few accessible sockeye salmon streams in the upper West Arm of Glacier Bay

NPS-T. Lewis

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News Release Date: July 9, 2015

Contact: Albert Faria, 907-697-2621

Contact: Tania Lewis, 907-697-2668

GLACIER BAY NATIONAL PARK, ALASKA - This notice is to inform campers of a temporary camping closure southeast of Gloomy Knob in the West Arm of Glacier Bay beginning July 20 and ending August 31, 2015. The camping closure includes the shoreline of the estuary of the Vivid Lake outflow stream and two adjacent beaches extending 100 yards inland (see map).

Map of the temporary closureBear activity is high in this area because this stream is one of the few accessible sockeye salmon streams in the upper West Arm of Glacier Bay.The purpose of the camping closure is to minimize the potential for bear-human conflicts as well as minimize disturbance to animals at this important food resource. Camping advisories or closures have been issued frequently for this area due to repeated bear-human conflicts.

Due to historic high bear and wolf activity, the importance of this food resource, and the yearly bear-human conflicts at this location, this area will be closed to camping during this time period. Visitors can use the area during the day, but are encouraged to remain vigilant for bears at all times and to keep food and other property secure. Intentional disturbance of wildlife is prohibited under NPS Code of Federal Regulations 36 CFR-2.2(a)(2). Visitors should avoid approaching wildlife too closely that the animal changes its behavior or loses access to important food and habitat.

Please report all bear encounters to the Visitor Information Station (VIS), and visitors are advised to contact the VIS (907-697-2627) for the most current information regarding bear incidents in the area. Learn more about staying safe in bear country.

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Last updated: July 13, 2015

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