Bear Advisory for Upper Muir Inlet

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Date: July 9, 2015
Contact: Albert Faria, 907-697-2621
Contact: Tania Lewis, 907-697-2668

GLACIER BAY NATIONAL PARK, ALASKA - This notice is to inform campers of recent bear activity on the north side of northern Muir Inlet in the East Arm of Glacier Bay.

On July 2, 2015, three campers were sleeping in two tents at 59°4'48.618"N, 136°20'13.7" W (see map). One camper awoke and crawled out of the tent to find a young female brown bear outside their tent about 30 feet away feeding on berries. This bear had been sighted previously (along with 3 other brown bears in the area) and the campers had chased this particular bear out of their camp on June 30 and again on July 1. The bear headed toward the second (occupied) tent which was about 20 feet away. The camper stepped between the bear and the tent and stood his ground, at which point the bear bluff charged to within 20 feet and growled. The occupant of the second tent emerged and all three campers drove the bear away with shouts and rocks. The campers broke camp and left.

Campers are advised NOT to camp in this area to avoid further bear-human conflicts. Campers are reminded that bears range widely throughout the park and bear-human conflicts can occur anywhere.Three important keys to minimizing the potential for conflicts include avoiding high bear-use areas, storing food and attractants properly, and keeping control of gear at all times. Learn more about bear safety.

Please report all bear encounters to the Visitor Information Station (VIS), and visitors are advised to contact the VIS (907-697-2627) for the most current information regarding bear incidents in the area.

This advisory will remain in effect until August 9, 2015.

Muir Inlet Bear Advisory 2015

Last updated: July 9, 2015

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907 697-2230

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