What's New

Date Page / Section / Item Changed Change Details


Division 1 Specifications

  • 01 50 00 Temporary Facilities and Controls

Deleted brand names and salient characteristics.


Historic Property Project Documentation (HPPD) Completion

New HPPD Completion. Affects Predesign & Schematic Design.


Statement of Structural Tests and Special Inspections

Added Statement of Structural Tests and Special Inspections - for projects using International Building Code (IBC) 2024.


Class C Uniformat Construction Cost Estimate November 2023

Corrected error in the variance check formula.


Structural Fire Design Guide

Fire Protection Engineering Design Standards

Added Structural Fire Design Guide, a supplement to Reference Manual (RM) 58 Structural Fire Management.


NPS Constructability Checklist

Constructability Quality Assurance (QA) Review Checklist

Updated to include construction inspections and align with current policy.


Design Templates > Task Order Estimate

The three separate Government Estimate and Architect/Engineer (AE) Task Order Price Proposal Templates for Predesign/Schematic Design (PD/SD), Request for Proposal (RFP), and Design Development/Construction Documents (DD/CD) have been replaced with Task Order Estimate, a new consolidated template. Changes in the new template include:

  • Corrected 508 issues.
  • Corrected broken formulas.
  • Added missing files.
  • Refreshed formatting to be more user friendly.
  • Removed prime's mark up on subcontractors' labor and direct costs to be consistent with contracting requirements.


Architectural Standards > Denver Service Center (DSC) Requirements > Building Codes & Industry Standards

Added 51 Preservation Briefs Building Codes for Historic and Existing Buildings: Planning and Maximizing their Application.


Design-Build Request for Proposal (DB RFP)

DB 3.0 RFP > 3.1 Prepare RFP

Updated DB RFP to include International Building Code (IBC) requirements.


Accessibility Inspection Report (CQC & Final)

Accessibility & Universal Design Standards > DSC Requirements

2. Construction Activities

Updated Accessibility Inspection Report (Contractor Quality Control (CQC) & Final) to include International Building Code (IBC) requirements.


Fire Protection Engineering Design Standards

Added IWUIC 2024 (International Wildland-Urban Interface Code) and referenced Director's Order (DO) and Reference Manual (RM) 18 Wildland Fire Management.


Construction Inspection Checklist

Design-Bid-Build (DBB)

Design-Build (DB)

New Construction Inspection Checklist deliverable for Phase 1 projects only.


Construction Schedule

Design-Bid-Build (DBB)

Include Construction Schedule when submitting Construction Cost Estimate.


Under-an-Acre Pollution Prevention Plan (UPPP)

Updated Under-an-Acre Pollution Prevention Plan (UPPP) template for clarity and to align with current policy and standards.


Division 1 Specifications

  • 01 35 23 Safety Requirements > 3.3 Fire & Life Safety

Occupational Health & Safety Engineering Standards > Building Codes & Industry Standards

Clarified requirements to comply with International Fire Code. (Previously complied with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).)


Civil (Site) & Environmental Engineering Standards

Under PFAS and SDWA 1974, added Final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation, part of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations.


Sustainability Standards > Resources




Clarified design development drawings are completed to approximately 40% construction drawing completion level.


Cost Estimating Requirements Handbook November 2023

Class C Uniformat Construction Cost Estimate November 2023

Class B & A MasterFormat Construction Cost Estimate November 2023

Added Market Survey worksheet/tab to construction cost estimates and instructions to complete a market survey report in cost estimates and cost estimating requirements handbook.

Estimators are to complete a Market Survey Report as required within NPS Cost Estimating Requirements Handbook. Estimate can be rejected if a complete market survey report is not provided.


Construction Specification Quality Assurance (QA) Review Checklist

Division 1 Specifications

  • 01 33 23 Submittal Procedures
  • 01 67 00 Product Requirements

New Construction Specification QA Review Checklist.

Clarified requirements for salient characteristics and approved equal products.


Division 1 Specifications

  • 01 50 00 Temporary Facilities and Controls

Corrected formatting on MUTCD Part 6 (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices).


Class B & A MasterFormat Construction Cost Estimate November 2023

Corrected formula error.


Architectural Standards > Denver Service Center (DSC) Requirements > Government-Funded/Government-Furnished Housing



Division 1 Specifications

  • 01 32 16 Construction Schedule
  • 01 57 19.11 Indoor Air Quality Management
  • 01 77 00 Closeout Procedures

Corrected formatting on footers.


Design Standards

On applicable Design Standards, updated International Codes (I-Codes) to 2024:

  • IBC (International Building Code)
  • IEBC (International Existing Building Code)
  • IECC (International Energy Conservation Code)
  • IFC (International Fire Code)
  • IFGC (International Fuel Gas Code)
  • IMC (International Mechanical Code)
  • IPC (International Plumbing Code)
  • IRC (International Residential Code)

Last updated: September 18, 2024

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