DB 4.0 Construction Documents (CD)

4.1 DB Design Development (DD) Documents

4.1.1 Prepare DB Design Development (DD) Documents

Based on Request for Proposal (RFP) Documents, prepare:

The Architect/Engineer (A/E) shall exclude Brand Name materials from specifications and utilize salient characteristics to the maximum extent practicable. When Brand Name is required to ensure quality of design, and the A/E suspects [based on market research] that suitable equal materials are likely available from other manufactures, the A/E shall identify the item as “Brand Name or Equal,” and include the salient physical, functional, or performance characteristics that will satisfy the design requirements in the specifications in the following format:

[Brand Name; Part Number; Etc.] Brand Name or Equal Salient Characteristics that an equal must meet are delineated below:

Physical: (All physical characteristic that an equal must meet shall be included here).

Functional: (All functional characteristic that an equal must meet shall be included here).

Performance: (All functional characteristic that an equal must meet shall be included here).

If any of the above mentioned characteristic categories (physical, functional, or performance) are not applicable, “None” shall be used to denote that no salient characteristics apply to that specific brand name or equal description.



4.1.2. Submit DB Design Development (DD) Documents for Review

  • DB Design Development Drawings
  • Divisions 2 through 49 Outline Specifications
  • Product File
  • Statement of Structural Tests and Special Inspections
  • Construction Inspection Checklist (Phase 1 projects only)
  • Checklists for internal review of drawings, specifications, calculations, and cost estimates
    • Required documents for each submssion are included and complete per contract requirements.
    • Required documents have been through a Quality Control (QC) review. NPS requires documentation and submittal of QC work performed.

4.2 Compliance Deliverables

4.2.1 Compliance Drawings and Supporting Narrative

When required, prepare and submit drawings and supporting narrative for obtaining Section 404, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), and other permits.

Resolve reviewing agencies comments, as required.

4.3 DB Construction Documents (CD)

4.3.1 Prepare 100% Draft DB Construction Documents (CD)

Based on DB Design Development Documents and resolutions of DB Design Development Documents review comments, complete:

Follow requirement for formatting of brand name or equal salient characteristic as described under section 4.1.1 above.



4.3.2 Submit 100% Draft DB Construction Documents (CD) for Review

  • 100% Draft DB Construction Drawings
  • Divisions 2 through 49 Construction Specifications
  • Product File
  • Statement of Structural Tests and Special Inspections
  • Design Calculations
  • Construction Inspection Checklist (Phase 1 projects only)
  • Checklists for internal review of drawings, specifications, calculations, and cost estimates
  • NPS DSC Quality Assurance (QA) Review Comments form with responses to DB Design Development Documents review comments

4.3.3 Submit 100% Complete DB Construction Documents for Final Approval

Resolve 100% Draft DB CD review comments and incorporate resolutions into 100% Complete DB CD. Submit 100% Complete DB CD and responses to 100% Draft DB CD review comments for final approval.

4.3.4 Submit Complete Stamped and Signed DB Construction Documents (CD)

Resolve 100% Complete DB CD review comments. Upon final approval of 100% Complete DB CD, submit the following record set for NPS archiving and general use:

  • DB Construction Drawings
  • Divisions 2 through 49 Construction Specifications - Architect-Engineer (A/E) team to stamp and sign cover sheet.
  • Product File
  • Statement of Structural Tests and Special Inspections
  • Supplemental Design Reports (if applicable)
  • Design Calculations
  • Construction Inspection Checklist (Phase 1 projects only)
  • Checklists for internal review of drawings, specifications, calculations, and cost estimates
  • NPS DSC QA Review Comments form with responses to 100% Complete DB CD review comments

Last updated: August 22, 2024

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