Access Pass
The America the Beautiful - The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass Series includes the Access Pass: a free, lifetime admission and discount pass for U.S. citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities. Access Passes are available online or at Wright Brothers National Memorial entrance station.
Service Animals
Service animals are permitted in all areas of the park that visitors are permitted. For a definition of a service animal, please see the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) definition. Please note that pets whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA and are not permitted inside park buildings. Additional information about service animals in National Park Service sites is also available.
Prickly pear cacti and sand spurs are common in the grassy areas throughout the park, so please use caution if you leave the paved pathways. Please visit the pets section for more information about bringing non-service pets to the park.
Other Resources
National Parks: Accessible to Everyone is the National Park Service's official page where visitors can find information, services, and resources available at National Park Service sites around the country.
Learn more about additional disability services and programs at or
TTY Federal Relay Service (800) 877-8339
Voice Carry Over (VCO) (877) 877-6280
Speech-to-Speech (877) 877-8982