![]() National Park Service On December 17th, 1903 the Wright Brothers achieved their dream of flight. Since then, people from all over the world have come here to pay homage to that dream. Peruse some of the photographs of the place where the Wright brothers first flew and the visitors who come to experience this special place. PhotosWe have included some of our favorite photographs of the places, activities, and visitors of Wright Brothers National Memorial our Photo Gallery page. Wright Brothers National Memorial also has an official Flickr site (WrightBrosNPS), which you can follow to keep up with new sights and events from the park as we add to our photograph collection.VideosWatch our virtual ranger program, Wind and Sand, below, or visit our video page to take a closer look at some of the features of Wright Brothers National Memorial or a deeper dive into some of the stories surrounding the first flight.
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Can't make it to a ranger program in person? Check out this virtual version of our most popular program and learn more about Wilbur and Orville's journey to a successful first flight. ![]() Smithsonian X 3D Explorer Explore the model at the Smithsonian X 3D Explorer website.
Last updated: May 12, 2022