Quick Mooring Information

  • There is a self-registration fee for overnight use of a mooring.
  • Overnight stays are limited to 30 nights in a particular calendar year, and no more than seven consecutive nights in one bay.
  • Payment stations are located at Cruz Bay Finger Pier, Caneel Bay Watersports Shop, Hawksnest Bay, Maho Bay Camp, Leinster Bay, Saltpond Bay, and Great Lameshur Bay.

Moorings Sizes & Colors:

  • White moorings with blue stripes can be used by vessels less than or equal to 60' length overall (LOA).
  • Larger white moorings with red stripes, "Big Boat Moorings", can be used by vessels 61'-100' LOA.
  • Orange with blue stripes are for use of vessels engaged in snorkeling or SCUBA diving.
  • Yellow moorings with blue stripes are for permitted hardnose fishing and are located offshore of Cabritte Horn Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument.
  • Blue moorings with blue stripes are for commercial use authorization (CUA) moorings and vessels with permits have priority.
  • Blue moorings with red stripes are concessionaire moorings.
  • Two orange moorings with float line mark the dinghy tethers at Trunk Bay and Waterlemon Cay. Only for vessels 16' or less.


  • Use of anchors while on a mooring.
  • Securing vessels to the mooring using stern cleats .
  • Fishing from any NPS mooring except designated fishing moorings, with permit.
  • Use of bright deck lights or any underwater lights from boats to attract, or other purpose.
  • Moorings shall not be modified by any user unless under the terms of a written NPS permit.
  • Operating a vessel in excess of 5 mph or creating a wake in mooring fields or within 500 ft. of a mooring field.
Other Info:
  • For vessels on moorings with a tender, great than 16' LOA , the combined LOA of the two vessels must not be greater than the mooring (length) rating, either <60' or <100'.
  • Mooring shall be vacated when tropical storm warnings are forecast for the area.

Useful Downloads

Anchoring Coordinates for Francis Bay
Anchoring Coordinates for the Lind Point Box
Google Earth KMZ file. Visit our Google Earth Project page to find out more about this great marine tool.

Last updated: January 13, 2016

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1300 Cruz Bay Creek
St. John, VI 00830


340 776-6201
Headquarters/Visitor Center phone contact Information. Visitor Center hours Monday-Thursday 8:15 to 4:00 and Friday 8:15 to 1:30.

Contact Us