Queen Parrotfish

This Queen Parrotfish has its mouth slightly open so that you can see its fused teeth, which the fish uses to scrape hard, live corals for food.
STATION #8: Doesn't this Queen Parrotfish (Scarus vetula) look as if it's smiling?!  Maybe it's just had a bite to eat.  Parrotfish use their fused front teeth to scrape bites of living, hard corals for food.  After digesting the living coral animal, bits of the coral's limestone skeleton are pooped out, contributing sand to the coral reef.

Watch out!  That's Fire "Coral" (not a true coral) behind the Parrotfish!  Of course you know not to touch any coral because it will be damaged.  In addition, touching Fire Coral will make your skin burn like fire!

Caroline Rogers

CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully completed the Online Snorkel Trip: Fish & Turtles! If you'd like, you can also do the other snorkel tour: Corals, Sponges and Creepy Crawlies. If you complete either one of these Trips, you may print yourself a Virgin Islands National Park SOS Snorkeler Certificate!

Last updated: May 31, 2016

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St. John, VI 00830


340 776-6201
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