![]() The legend says: Plan of the Presidio of San Phelipe y Santiago de Janos, subject to the government of Nueva Vizcaya, located at 31 degrees and 18 minutes latitude north, and 258 degrees and 24 minutes longitude counted from the Tenerife meridian. Explanantion: A. Main entrance where the guardhouse is; B. Courtyards; C. Cemetery; D Church; E. Captain’s house; F. False door. Note: all the construction is of adobe, the entire compound being nearly in ruins, with the exception of the church and the captain’s house. Scale: two hundred fathoms. Joseph de Urrutia The map shows the Janos River and the irrigation ditch for irrigating. It also shows the “Mountain Road,” the “Pole Road,” and the Road to San Buenaventura. The legend in the lower right-hand corner of the map and the upper right hand corner of this web pages says: Profile drawn along a line from X to Y. Scale 250 Paris feet. Courtsy of British Library
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Last updated: February 24, 2015