Last updated: August 28, 2023
Thing to Do
Viewing the William Henry Jackson Collection

Scotts Bluff National Monument houses the world's largest collection of original William Henry Jackson sketches, paintings, and photographs. Due to limited space, a small selection of works are on display in the visitor center. There are currently three exhibits on display in the Scotts Bluff National Monument Visitor Center.
William Henry Jackson: Artist and Adventurer
Learn more about the life of Jackson and view 12 of the watercolors of Western life he made in the later years of his life. This exhibit is on display in the hallway at the north end of the visitor center.
William Henry Jackson and Yellowstone National Park
Learn about how Jackson's involvement in the 1871 US Geological Survey in Yellowstone led to the creation of the world's first national park in 1872. This exhibit features prints of photographs of Yellowstone that Jackson took in 1871 and later in his life. It is located in the hallway at the north end of the visitor center.
William Henry Jackson and the National Park Service
Besides Yellowstone, Jackson was instrumental in the creation of other National Park Service (NPS) sites, including Mesa Verde National Park and Fort Laramie National Historic Site. Learn about Jackson's connections to different NPS sites through sketches, photographs, and watercolor paintings. This exhibit is on display in the visitor center theater.
For those who are unable to view the collection in person, the NPS Museum Management Program website hosts a virtual exhibition of selected items from collection.