Last updated: August 13, 2020
Thing to Do
Hike Jordan Pond Path

The Jordan Pond Path traverses the shore of Jordan Pond, one of Acadia’s most iconic landscapes. Located in a steep valley carved out by the retreat of glaciers, Jordan Pond is bordered by Penobscot, Pemetic, and two rounded peaks known as the Bubbles. Listen for the calls of common loons, search for signs of beaver activity, and watch the granite cliffs above for nesting peregrine falcons.
Distance: 3.3 mile loop
Terrain: Forested areas with uneven footing on wooden boardwalks, rocks, and footbridges
Jordan Pond is designated public water supply, so wading and swimming are prohibited at all times.
Hike Description
Start Jordan Pond Path at the boat launch for Jordan Pond. Turn left and follow the path towards the west shoreline.
- The path follows a raised wooden plank boardwalk through a forested area. Please stay on the path to protect vegetation.
The spruce and cedar forest gives way to an open, rocky area. This boulder field formed from granite rocks breaking off from the sheer cliffs above.
- After crossing the stone steps, the path continues over Deer Brook on wooden log bridges at the northern tip of Jordan Pond. Marked with round white buoys, the Jordan Pond Buoy transmits water quality data to a weather station at the Jordan Pond House.
- At the intersection with the Bubbles Trail and Jordan Pond Carry Trail, continue on the Jordan Pond Path.
- The east shore is defined by even terrain and crushed stone underfoot. Use caution on stepping stones and bridges that allow water to flow from the slope above.
- Follow a stone walkway at the water’s edge provides a view of the Bubbles and a wetland area.
- At the next fork, turn left for a shorter path back to the boat launch parking area. For a longer path, continue right and eventually pass the boat launch before arriving back at Jordan Pond House.
Where to Begin: The Trailhead
Jordan Pond Boat Launch
Getting to the Trailhead:
By car: Starting from ME Route 3, turn off at the Hulls Cove Entrance to Acadia National Park and the Hulls Cove Visitor Center. Follow the Park Loop Road. At 2.8 miles continue straight remaining on the two-way section of the Loop Road following signs for Jordan Pond. Use the North Lot parking area on the right just before the Jordan Pond House. Walk down the boat access to the pond. The Jordan Pond Trail crosses the boat launch. The hike can be taken in either direction.
By bus: Take the fare-free Island Explorer to Jordan Pond House. Check bus schedule for routes and timetables.
The Jordan Pond restuarant area and boat launch are accessible.

NPS Photo/Patrick Kark