Thing to Do

Cinnamon Bay Nature Loop And Accessible Trail

Virgin Islands National Park

Cinnamon Bay Plantation Ruins

Virgin Islands National Park

Cinnamon Bay Accessible Trail
The Cinnamon Bay Nature Loop Trail runs through the ruins of Cinnamon Bay Plantation and up into the forest. Signs along the trail provide information about palnts and animals along with life and culture during plantation days.
Cinnamon Bay Factory Kimberly Boulon
Cinnamon Bay Factory. Photo by  Kimberly Boulon
Wander through the ruins and read the waysides to learn about life in the plantation days. Then venture up the hill through the bay rum, tyre palm and other native trees. Smell the bay rum leaves as you progress through the trees. You may see the above ground tombs of the former plantation owner's wife Anna Margarethe and her children, located in the shady grove of the genip and bay rum trees growing above the plantation. The trail passes over the gut, which provided water to the plantation below.

Last updated: April 7, 2021