Distance Learning

Yellowstone Distance Learning

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Science,Social Studies
Common Core Standards:
K.L.6, 1.L.6, 2.L.6, 3.L.6, 4.L.6, 5.L.6, 6.L.6, 7.L.6, 8.L.6, 9-10.L.6, 11-12.L.6, 6-8.RST.2, 9-10.RST.2, 11-12.RST.2

Teachers, even if you are too far to bring students on a field trip to Yellowstone, we can help you use the world’s first national park to bring science, math, and social studies to life for your K-12 students!

Classrooms can connect with a Yellowstone National Park ranger to learn more about geology (geysers, hot springs, volcanoes), ecology (wildlife, predator/prey, fire, habitats, adaptations), or cultural history, and the National Park Service mission of preservation. Your class can learn about careers by interviewing a park ranger or solve a geography challenge to determine where the park ranger works by participating in a “Mystery” meeting. We work with teachers to offer a 20-40 minute live program that meets your needs.

If you have a group of ten or more youth and want to participate, you will need a computer, tablet, or device with webcam, internet connection, and access to a video conference platform.

To schedule a Yellowstone distance learning program, contact us with information about your group and a proposed date and time (converted to MOUNTAIN Time). MOUNTAIN Time is two hours behind Eastern, one hour behind Central, and one hour ahead of Pacific.

Yellowstone rangers have much to share with students around the U.S. and world and look forward to connecting with your class.

Last updated: December 16, 2024