Guest Speakers

"The Culture of Scotts Bluff"

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
Nebraska Social Studies
SS 3.3.4 Compare and contrast the characteristics of local cultures.
SS 3.3.4.a Compare and contrast cultural traits within a community. For example: languages, religions, foods, music, sports

Invite a park ranger from Scotts Bluff National Monument into your classroom. In this fun and engaging curriculum-based, social studies lesson students will work in small teams to examine packages of culture clues to: 

  • Develop a definition of what “culture” means.
  • Generate a list of descriptors to identify their own classroom and school as a unique culture.
  • Examine how the impact of emigrant culture is still evident in local communities in the names of streets, parks, celebrations and businesses.

Call Scotts Bluff National Monument at (308) 436-9700 to schedule this exciting lesson. 


Last updated: November 16, 2021