Lesson Plan

Genetics and Adaptations: Understanding Inherited Traits and Survival

hot pink bloom on pricklypear cactus
Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
State Standards:
Utah SEEd 7th Grade

Strand 7.4 Reproduction &

Standard 7.4.1 Develop and use a model to explain the effects that  different types of reproduction have on genetic variation. Emphasize genetic variation through asexual and sexual reproduction
Additional Standards:
NGSS Middle School

Strand MS-LS3 Heredity

Standard MS-LS3-2  Develop and use  a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation.

Essential Question

How do plants living in Zion National Park use their inherited traits to adapt to their environment?


Students will learn how different plants living in Zion National Park us their inheritable traits to adapt to their environment.


This guide contains background information about genetics, and directions for three activities that will help students better understand how inheritable traits help plants and animals survive in Zion National Park. The activities are most beneficial to students when completed in order. This guide is specifically designed for seventh grade classrooms, but the activities can be modified for students at other levels.


  • Download and review Genetics and Adaptations Activity Guide
  • Download and print activity materials
  • Gather beans, containers, paper, and art supplies as necessary


Download Adaptation Art Activity

Download Crossing Cacti Activity

Download Survival Scenario

Lesson Hook/Preview

The basics of genetics and heredity allow certain plants and animals to become specially adapted, depending on which traits help them best survive in their habitat. In Zion National Park, a diverse array of plants and animals inhabit the varying environments in the park. The variety of environments, from the river and springs, to dry grasslands, to steep cliffs, is a result of the wide range of elevations in the park and the fact that Zion is located on the edge of three major ecoregions: the Mojave Desert, the Colorado Plateau, and the Great Basin. While some organisms, such as mountain lions, can survive in all of Zion’s habitats, others like cacti, frogs, and pinyon pine trees, thrive in only one or two of Zion’s environments.


Follow suggested procedures within the activity guide.

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Last updated: April 16, 2022