Guest Speakers

5th Grade | Shenandoah National Park: Gem of the Blue Ridge

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
State Standards:
Virginia Standards of Learning: Science 5.8, Virginia Studies VS.2, US History: USI.2

Shenandoah National Park is an important natural and cultural resource in Virginia’s Blue Ridge geographic region. Students in the nine Virginia counties that border this long and narrow national park will discover those resources and the National Park Service mission with ranger-led in-classroom activities such as analyzing artifacts, investigating geologic samples, and writing creative responses while gaining essential classroom knowledge about Virginia’s history, geology and geography. This program is recommended for fifth grade.


Following the ranger presentation and classroom activities, the students will be able to

1. define the mission of the National Park Service and name three significant geologic features that are protected;

2. name the five geographic regions of Virginia and locate Shenandoah National Park within the Blue Ridge geographic region;

3. identify the three rock types that can be found in Shenandoah National Park and explain the rock cycle using those rock types;

4. describe three actions people can take to help care for Shenandoah National Park and the environment.


Science 5.8, Virginia Studies VS.2, US History: USI.2

This program was funded by a generous donation from the Shenandoah National Park Trust.



Download Gem of the Blue Ridge Information & Activities

Last updated: August 25, 2020