Field Trips

Cultural Uses of Native Plants

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade

In this field trip through Kīpuka Puaulu students will discover the importance of biodiversity, the traditional Hawaiian uses of native plants, the continued value of these plants into the modern era and an appreciation for the ongoing need to protect Hawai‘i's natural resources. 

Our goal is to leave students with a deeper and more connected understanding of the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, and the cultural and biological components that play into it. By teaching students about the uses and history of the threatened plant life in this special ecological area of the park students will be able to gain an appreciation for the value of biodiversity and protecting native forests. In teaching the traditional Hawaiian cultural uses of plants, students will find a personal connection to the forests and history of their homeland; fostering a stronger sense of responsibility for our precious natural resources and further showing the connections between modern science and traditional knowledge. 


Download Cultural Uses of Native Plants field trip guide

Last updated: August 19, 2019