Lesson Plan

Brown Bear Survival Game

A brown bear sits on a rock by water.
Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
Common Core Standards:
Additional Standards:
Next Generation Science Standards:
3-LS4-2 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
MS-LS2-1 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

Essential Question

What does an inland brown bear need to survive?


• Students will identify that different individuals from the same species need different things to survive.
• Students will be able to explain how and why bears’ needs change in different seasons.


Lake Clark National Park and Preserve is home to one of the largest brown bear populations in the state of Alaska.

Many of these brown bears live along the coast of Cook Inlet, where salt marshes and tidal flats provide ample food. In contrast, in the interior of the park, an area of boreal forests and open tundra, resources are scarcer and more scattered. Inland bears usually have to travel much further to find food sources than their coastal counterparts do.

Until recently, little was known about the park’s inland population of brown bears. Through a multi-year study, scientists are learning how brown bears survive in the park’s resource constrained interior. Data gathered by park biologists gives an inside-look at the lives of these bears and how the move across the land and use its resources.


Teachers will need to create the game board and game pieces ahead of time from the files provided. It is recommended to print out the game board in its actual size, 35" X 27", and laminate it. Game pieces can also be laminated to make them more durable.


Download Game Directions

Download Research Presentation

Download Game Pieces

Download Data Sheets

Download Game Board

Lesson Hook/Preview

Depending on students’ level of familiarity with brown bears, have a class discussion on the species. Be sure to talk about the following: Where do bears live? What do bears eat? What changes happen to bears in the winter?
With older students, you can also discuss the idea of carrying capacity. How many bears can live in a certain area? What are some factors that would affect how many bears there are?

If you need more background information, a good place to start is Lake Clark’s Brown Bear website


Read the Game Directions file to become familiar with how the game works, then assign students their brown bear character and pass out the specific Data Sheets.  They are ready to play the Brown Bear Survival Game! 
After playing the game, watch “Over the Mountains.” This video gives an overview of the inland brown bear research conducted in Lake Clark National Park. The Bear Survival game was developed directly from the results of this study. Review the maps made with data from this research in the Research Presentation file. How does the movement of bears in real life compare with students’ during the game?

Assessment Materials

After playing the game, have a class discussion, using the Discussion Questions file as a starting point. Teachers can assess students’ overall understanding during this discussion.

Discussion Questions

Download Assessment

Contact Information

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Last updated: October 2, 2018