Lesson Plan

Back to the Future

Raising Expectations
Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
Common Core Standards:
6-8.RH.4, 6-8.RH.5, 4.RI.3, 4.SL.1, 4.SL.4
State Standards:
RI4.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas or concepts in a historical, scientific or technical text including what happened and why based on specific information in the text. SL4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions, SL.4.4 Report on

Essential Question

How can studying the past change the future?


Hypothesize an alternate version of President Bill Clinton's life if certain circumstances didn't occur


Working in groups, students will answer one of the following questions: 1. How would President Bill Clinton's life have changed if certain circumstances did not happen? 2. What if President Clinton had gone to Harvard instead of Yale, where he met Hillary? 3. What if President Clinton had not returned to Arkansas after college? 4. What if President clinton had not become Governor of Arkansas?


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Working in groups, students will answer one of the following questions: 1. How would President Bill Clinton's life have changed if certain circumstances did not happen? 2. What if President Clinton had gone to Harvard instead of Yale, where he met Hillary? 3. What if President Clinton had not returned to Arkansas after college? 4. What if President clinton had not become Governor of Arkansas?

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Last updated: October 7, 2019