Application Process

Step Process Description
1. Applications are accepted. Applications are postmarked or received by January 15 or July 15. Applications postmarked after the deadline will be included in the next round of reviews.
2. Applications are reviewed for required material. 30 days after the submission deadline, Regional Managers check applications for all required materials. A manager may contact the applicant for clarification or amplification of unclear points in the application. If applications do not contain all required material, it may be deferred to a later round. Managers will provide suggestions for a stronger application. Revised applications can be resubmitted in the next round of review, six months later.
3. Applications for consideration are released. Notice of applications under consideration will appear on the website. The notice will include: element title, state and nomination type and will be on public review for 30 days. The public can and is encouraged to provide input for those under consideration. The public can submit comments via email to their Regional Manager.
4. Review committee votes on applications. The review committee, comprised of Network to Freedom staff, reviews and votes on new applications about 60 days after the submission deadline to determine those who are accepted. The Regional Manager will present an application to the committee, which will vote on whether or not they recommend inclusion.
5. Applicants inducted are notified. Committee-approved applications will be added to the Network and the National Park Service will notify the applicant. Those accepted will receive permission to use the Network to Freedom logo and guidelines for use.
6. Applicants not inducted are notified and receive suggestions to strengthen application. Applicants will be notified if the application was not approved and the Regional Manager will provide suggestions on strengthening their application. Applicants are encouraged to resubmit revised applications.

Last updated: August 28, 2018