Mission 66: Birth of the Modern National Park

Feeding Visitors

The new Flamingo complex was essentially a small town, with a gas station, motel, restaurant, coffee shop, and gift shop to feed visitors, their cars, and their desire for souvenirs.
Flamingo Visitors Center gift shop
The Flamingo Visitor Center gift shop offered a wide range of objects for tourists to take home as souvenirs.

NPS Photo (EVER 288k)

Café at the Flamingo gift shop for tourists
Along with the gift shop Flamingo also offered a café for visitors. This café was located on the first floor. Its destruction by hurricanes has forced the permanent closure of the café.

NPS Photo (EVER 288m)

The next generation of visitor facilities at Flamingo attempts to preserve the Mission 66 architectural and design styles while also making buildings more resilient in the face of rising sea levels and stronger tropical storms. In 2022 visitors will once again enjoy interpretive exhibits in the Flamingo visitor center, delicious food in a new restaurant, and comfortable rooms in a new motel.

Last updated: July 16, 2024