Get Involved

How Can I Get Involved?

There are thousands of partners working with National Park Service employees on projects and programs in parks and communities around the nation. These partnerships play a key role in welcoming visitors to parks, preserving the history, lands and living things in parks and extending the benefits of parks into communities.

There are many ways you can become involved! Explore this site to learn how you can participate in internship and employment opportunities, share your teaching talents, join efforts to restore and maintain park ecosystems, enhance access to trails in your community and revitalize historic buildings in your neighborhood.

A volunteer in Everglades National Park identifying aquatic species in a sawgrass prairie.
Volunteers and interns carry out research projects to asses aquatic species diversity and abundance in Everglades National Park.



From one day events to long-term projects, there are a variety of ways you can become involved in enhancing and maintaining the health of park ecosystems.

A Teacher Ranger assisting visitors in the Acadia National Park Visitor Center
Through the Teacher to Ranger to Teacher Program, teachers spend their summers working in National Parks and during the school year, share their experiences with students.


Teach and Learn

Two boys remove tree branches while clearing a park trail in North Cascades National Park
The North Cascades Institute and North Cascades National Park partner to develop youth programs and activities.

NPS Karlie Roland

Young People in Parks

Volunteers participating in a clean-up during National Public Lands Day in Valley Forge National Historic Site
1000s of volunteers gather each year to participate in National Public Lands Day.  Here volunteeers carry out projects at Valley Forge National Historic Site. 



Move to Partner with Us

Tour boat docked in a port at Glacier National Park

Foods, Gifts, Lodging, Tours

The Glacier Association Bookstore

Preserving Memories

BioBlitz participants identifying aquatic species along a rivers edge.

National Park Foundation

Supplies and Services National parks have buildings to construct, roads to pave, wastewater treatment plants to operate, and leaky roofs to repair. NPS offices purchase furniture, vehicles, office equipment and a host of other products. The National Park Service issues all bids and requests for proposals through the federal government's electronic business portals.

Last updated: May 3, 2013