How to Find our Files
National Archives (NARA): Holds our records up to the end of 2012.
The National Archives is the permanent home of our records and everything will eventually be in the National Archives.
How to search NARA's holdings.
The easiest way is to look up the property in the searchable table below or download our spreadsheet. Both contain direct links to the files that have been scanned.
Reference number search:
If you know the reference number or found it in the searchable table below or from our spreadsheet then follow this link to NARA and just replace the reference number with the one you want or the property name.
Name search: You can also do a name search. Follow this link to NARA and replace the name of the property.
Search by state:
Use the finding aids for each state and territory in the National Archives Catalog. Select your state and click on “Search Within this File Unit.”
Search by Keyword:
Each individual file has text recognition. In addition NARA's search engine will allow you to search across all pdfs for instances of the word/phrase. Sample searches: Rachel Carson, Trail of Tears, Bridges in Texas -
National Register of Historic Places NPGallery Database:
Some files that are not on NARA's website are in NPGallery. Properties listed since 2013 are being posted to NPGallery. -
If the file has not been posted online yet you can request a copy from us. Please include the name of the property, the state, and the reference number (or as much information as you know on the property). And e-mail the request to us at: Reference e-mail
Restricted files have not been posted online.
Common Searches:
Data Downloads:
- Spatial Data (GIS)
- Spreadsheets of the most common searches.

Photograph courtesy of Iowa State Historic Preservation Office
About National Register Documentation:
Since its inception in 1966, more than 95,000 properties that Americans believe are worthy of preservation have been listed in the National Register. Together these records hold information on more than 1.4 million individual resources--buildings, sites, districts, structures, and objects--and therefore provide a link to the country's heritage at the national, state, and local levels.
The Documentation consists of
- National Register registration form, which provides a physical description of the place, information about its history and significance, and a bibliography.
- Photographs - Use of photographs and forms is available under Fair Use, see our Content and Copyright page for more information
- Maps
Search Properties Listed in the National Register of Historic Places
reference number, property name, reference number, if it is restricted, state, county city, address, date listed, NHL designation date, architects, federal agency, other name, NPS Park Name, significance person(s), level of significance, and if the file has been scanned the there is a link to the file. You can also download this as an excel spreadsheet or click the "download dataset" below to get the file as a .csv file.
Ref# | Prefix | Property Name | State | County | City | Street & Number | Status | Request Type | Last Action Date | Restricted Address | Acreage of Property | Area of Significance | Category of Property | External Link | Level of Significance - International | Level of Significance - Local | Level of Significance - National | Level of Significance - Not Indicated | Level of Significance - State | Listed Date | Name of Multiple Property Listing | NHL Designated Date | Other Names | Park Name | Property ID |

Photo courtesy of the California State Historic Preservation Office
Last updated: July 10, 2024