Primary Source: Chapter 8

From Carl Dittman, “Narrative of a Seafaring Life on the Coast of California.” MS on file at the University of California, Bancroft Library, Berkeley, 1878.

Then, too, there were a large number of otter around this Island there having been no hunters there for several years, and we wished to secure them before others should go there. We went first to San Miguel, and thence to San Nicolas, where we arrived early in the afternoon. We came to anchor on the N.E. side about the middle of the Island. As soon as we came to anchor Nidever and I went on shore for the purpose of seeing where the otter lay and also to pick out a site for our camp as we intended to make a long stay and would move on shore the next day. We took two of our indians with us and left them in charge of the boat, while Nidever and I proceeded towards the head of the island.

On the way we saw several dogs that looked very much like a coyote excepting in color which was black and white; they were quite wild and ran away as soon as we came in sight.

Last updated: November 21, 2016