Historic Preservation Fund Grant Manual

Grant Manual & Administrative Memos

The Historic Preservation Fund Grant Manual (2007 edition) provides grantees with important information regarding programmatic activities allowed under their awards. Since 2007, the manual has been modified in several important ways. Grantees should familiarize themselves with the grant manual as well as these important modifications.

References to OMB Circulars

On December 26, 2013 the Office of Management and Budget issued Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, codified at 2 CFR 200. This guidance consolidated and replaced all previously issued OMB Circulars related to Federal financial assistance. References to these circulars in the HPF Grant Manual are no longer valid and have been superseded by 2 CFR 200. 

Updates to specific chapters of the Historic Preservation Fund Grant Manual

This update revised Chapter 2 to incorporate changes to the apportionment formula for State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO) as well as information about apportionments to Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO).

This update revised the definition of administrative costs.

This update changed SHPO work product reporting requirements from hectares to acres.

This update summarized various changes to the manual in response to implementation of 2 CFR 200, eliminated the SHPO Project Notification requirement for non-development projects, and clarified the eligibility of HPF funding for religious properties.

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Last updated: January 24, 2024