Toolkit: What We Can Do Together

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In order to avoid catastrophic impacts in the future, actions can be taken now to reduce the effects and adapt to the consequences of changing climate. To get some good ideas about what the NPS is doing to mitigate climate impacts, check out the other sections in What We're Doing. A few other example resources focusing on the things we can all do, are below.

EPA: What You Can Do
Here’s a good overview form the Environmental Protection Agency of actions we can take at home, at the office, on the road, and at school.

Stabilization Wedges
Princeton University has created the Wedges Game and various graphics and presentation materials to help us understand the changes necessary to reduce global emissions. This tool can be used in many different settings, and in different audiences; they illustrate that technology is already existing to solve the carbon problem.

Last updated: November 24, 2015


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