All the videos linked below are also available on the Climate Change Response Program YouTube page.
Choose your video series:
Drawing Connections
Here you'll find some lesser-known park climate change stories, including history, cultural traditions, and human health.
Warming up to Adaptation
This video series introduces key concepts of climate adaptation, and explores on-the-ground efforts at three different national parks.
Climate Change Impacts
How is climate change affecting our national parks? This series takes a deep dive on climate impacts from Alaska to Florida.
Every Kid in a Park
What happens when high school students stay overnight in a park, learn about climate change, and teach fourth graders what they learned?
Intern Spotlight
See how student interns gain experience while helping the NPS come to a better understanding of climate change impacts to parks and people.
The NPS Responds
Learn ways that national parks are engaging the public as the NPS responds to climate change.
Managing for a Changing Climate
Park managers face a variety of challenges when planning for the future as our planet warms.
Explaining Climate Change in a Classroom
Learn the basics of climate change through a couple easy classroom demonstrations.
More from the Parks
Explore this collection of videos created by our park and regional partners around the NPS.
Photos are available on the Climate Change Response Program Flickr page and also in the photo gallery.
Last updated: September 8, 2021