The National Park Service (NPS) was created on August 25, 1916, its mission is to “preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.”
Today, the NPS is tasked with the ongoing challenge of preserving ecologically and historically important sites—while making sure that they can be visited by people with disabilities.
The definition of whether or not a place is “accessible” varies widely from one person to another. To better navigate individual differences, many people with disabilities, their families, and friends, find planning ahead to visit a national park to be critically important. Our hope is to help provide useful information to help guide your experiences within our many national parks.
Salinas Pueblo MissionLaws and Policy
Melding new laws into old architecture
Golden Gate circa 1980Disability History
People with disabilities are the largest minority in the United States, explore some stories!
Zion National ParkPlan Your Visit
Discover features in parks and learn more about what we do to provide access for people with disabilities across the National Park System.
Last updated: January 23, 2025