Learn About the Park

  • A park ranger in uniform speaks to a group of people, one of which with a video camera

    Keep up with what's going on at Stones River National Battlefield. Find news releases and links to our social media outlets.

  • A park ranger holds a camera to his eye.
    Photos & Multimedia

    Browse the park's photo collection, watch videos about the park, and take a virtual tour from the comfort of your own home!

  • Civil War cannons and cannon silhouettes stand in a line in a field behind a split rail fence.
    History & Culture

    Stones River National Battlefield is home to countless stories of people before, during, and after the battle. Explore some of them here.

  • A living historian in a Union uniform and a child push a rammer into a Civil War cannon.
    For Kids

    Stones River National Battlefield is fun for kids of all ages! Get ideas for things to do on your visit to the park or at home.

  • A ranger in uniform speaks to a teacher in front of a school bus.

    Stones River offers free, curriculum-based education programs in the park and classroom! Learn how you can bring the park to your school.

  • A bird with red feathers on its head and white and black stripes or spots sites on a tree.

    Explore the fragile ecosystems found in the park. Find out how many of the rocks at Stones River National Battlefield got their shape.

  • A park ranger in uniform speaks at a podium with an American Flag in front of her.

    Learn about how the park is managed and the laws and policies in place.

  • A table has numerous Civil War related items. Shelves of books line the wall.
    Park Store

    Our park partner, America's National Parks, sells books and other educational materials in park visitor center and online.

Last updated: August 19, 2020

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Mailing Address:

3501 Old Nashville Highway
Murfreesboro, TN 37129



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