Camping within Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument or on private land surrounding the ruins is not allowed.
Manzano Mountain State Park is the closest public campground to the Monument. Contact them at: P.O. Box 224, Mountainair, NM, 87036. (505) 847-2820. The US Forest Service operates 6 campgrounds and many hiking trails in the Manzano Mtns, and one campground in the Gallinas Mtns near Gran Quivira. Contact: US Forest Service, Mountainair District, P.O. Box E, Mountainair, NM 87036. Phone: (505) 847-2990. Nearby Campgrounds(1) Fourth of July8 Mi. W. of Tajique, NM 55 & FS 55 El. 7,400 ft. Open April-October Frequently used (2) Tajique (3) Capilla Peak (4) John F. Kennedy (5) New Canyon (6) Red Canyon (7) Manzano Mountain State Park (8) Red Cloud (9) Trail Ends Motel and Trailer Park |
Last updated: March 31, 2012