Suggested Reading

Dryfhout, John H. The Works of Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Hanover: University Press of New England, 1982. Reprinted, 2009 (The catalogue raisonne of Saint-Gaudens' artwork)

Duffy, Henry J. and John H. Dryfhout. Augustus Saint-Gaudens: American Sculptor of the Gilded Age.Washington D.C.: Trust for Museum Exhibitions, 2003.

Musée des Augustins. Augustus Saint-Gaudens, 1848-1907: A Master of American Sculpture.Toulouse: Musée des Augustins, 1999. (Exhibition catalogue of the 1999 exhibition in France. Includes 11 essays about Saint-Gaudens' life, and detailed information about 120 of his most well known works.)

The Shaw Memorial: A Celebration of an American Masterpiece. Cornish: Eastern National, 2002.(Detailed information about the development of the memorial, the history of the Massachusetts 54th Regt. and the legacy of the monument in American culture)

Wilkinson, Burke. The Life and Works of Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Eastern National, 2006. (The biography of Augustus Saint-Gaudens)

Other research resources:

Saint-Gaudens, Augustus. The Reminiscences of Augustus Saint-Gaudens ed. and amplified by Homer Saint-Gaudens. New York: Century Co., 1913.

Last updated: February 26, 2015

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