Story Maps

Soundscape Monitoring in Glacier National Park Story Map

Noise pollution, from cars to airplanes and more, degrades the natural soundscape, which is defined as all the organic audible sounds within a specific area. Since 2004, Glacier National Park has been completing a baseline study to assess its natural soundscape. Learn more about the continuination of these monitoring efforts in Glacier and see how the soundscape of the park has changed over time.

Apex Predators of the Sky Story Map

Known to some as the grizzly bear of the air, Golden Eagles are the top avian predator in terrestrial landscapes and play a key role as baromters of ecological health. In 2020, no active nests were found west of the continental divide. As a result, scientists started the Golden Eagle Monitoring Program to try to uncover what environmental factors might be affecting Golden Eagles within the park. Explore Golden Eagle nesting site trends, threats, and what it's like to experience a Golden Eagle up-close...

Loons on the Edge Story Map

Learn about Common Loon ecology and the habitats they need for survival. The Glacier National Park Citizen Science Program has colloborated with citizen scientists for over a decade to collect data on chick survival and suitable habitat in Glacier.

Avalanches on the Going-to-the-Sun Road Story Map

Learn how avalanches impact the opening of Glacier National Park's Going-to-the-Sun Road and how researchers and road crews work together to open the road safely.

Last updated: February 26, 2024