2024 BioBlitz Events

A group of proud volunteers stands in a forest behind garbage bags of weeds pulled during Glacier National Park's 2022 Noxious Weed Blitz
Glacier National Park's "Weed Warriors" proudly stand behind their day's efforts.

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This year, the Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center (CCRLC) is hosting the Noxious Weed Blitz.

The Noxious Weed Blitz, provides valuable education to visitors and helps Glacier National Park reduce weed populations along park trails. Our citizen science program will spend the day working with biologists to learn about the identification and ecological impacts of noxious weeds and help in their removal.

A botanist stands next to potted plants and shares information with a group of volunteers.
Come learn from experts on how to identify and remove five targeted invasive plant species in Glacier National Park!

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2024 Noxious Weed Blitz

This is a one-day event held at designated locations within the park. Participants will spend the morning learning how to identify five targeted invasive plant species as well as learn how these species are harming our ecosystem. After lunch, staff and volunteers head out to "weed infested" areas to pull noxious weeds.

  • Date: Thursday July 25, 2024
  • Time: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Location: West Glacier
  • Requirements: Participants are asked to bring gloves for hand pulling, hiking footwear, and plenty of drinking water.
  • Participants must register to attend the event. If interested in attending, contact e-mail us for registration details.
A moth with transparent wings bordered by reddish edges and a body with yellow and black abdominal strips, hovers over a flower with long green stems and dense clusters of pale yellow flowers.
There are roughly 40 species of known moths in Glacier. The Rocky Mountain Clearwing Moth is just one of many you might encounter during the Nocturnal Pollinator event!

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Past BioBlitz's

In 2023, the Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center (CCRLC) hosted the Nocturnal Pollinator BioBlitz.

Loosely defined, a BioBlitz is an event where public participants and scientists work together to document the biodiversity of a specific location.

The Nocturnal Pollinator BioBlitz helped to close a critical knowledge gap in Glacier regarding the diversity and vulnerability of our nocturnal pollinators (i.e. moths, nocturnal bees, flies). These fascinating creatures are critical to the success of many of our rare plants and provide a major, fat-rich food source for some of our most beloved species (e.g. the grizzly bear). Learn more about how we cataloged the rich variety of species that call our Dark Sky Park home.

Last updated: May 21, 2024