Park Rules and Regulations

Park Regulations in Brief

These battlefields have been dedicated to those who fought and died here. Please treat them respectfully.

This is a partial list of the regulations established for the protection of Richmond National Battlefield Park (RICH) and Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site (MAWA). Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations, along with the Superintendent’s “Law Enforcement Compendium” specifically addressing RICH and MAWA are available at all park visitor centers. Violations of regulations are brought before the U. S. District Courts in Richmond, Virginia and are punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. These regulations include, but not limited to:

All areas of the park are closed to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Open containers of alcohol are prohibited in motor vehicles.

All natural, cultural, and archeological resources are protected and may not be removed and/or disturbed.

Relic hunting is prohibited. Possession of a metal detector in the park is unlawful.

Hunting, trapping, touching, feeding, or otherwise disturbing wildlife or fish is prohibited.

Picnicking is allowed only at Fort Harrison picnic area, the parking areas at Chickahominy Bluffs, Drewry’s Bluffs, Beaver Dam Creek and the traffic circle at Malvern Hill.

Camping is prohibited. The use of motor homes or similar vehicles for the apparent purpose of overnight parking is considered camping.

Loud playing of radios, tape recorders, musical instruments, CD players or other audio devices is prohibited. This also includes loud motor vehicles, motorized toys, generators, and other noise making devices.

Littering and/or other dumping of refuse is prohibited. Use of park dumpsters for discarding household trash is prohibited.

Leaving a park trail to shortcut between portions of the same trail in violation of designated restrictions is prohibited.

Pets are allowed in the park, but must be physically restrained at all times. Leashes may not exceed six feet in length. Pets, except seeing-eye dogs, are prohibited in buildings and may not be tied to objects and left unattended.

Horses are allowed with certain restrictions. Please obtain a copy of the park’s “Horse Use Policy” from park headquarters or any Park Ranger.

Recreational activities are prohibited including, but not limited, to kite-flying, ball-playing, frisbee-throwing, sledding, tobogganing, tubing, etc.

Roller skates, in-line skates, roller skis, coasting vehicles, and similar devices are prohibited.

Weapons are prohibited in all park buildings.

Smoking is prohibited in all park buildings.

Open fires are strictly forbidden at all times, and the throwing of burning material in such a manner as may cause a fire is unlawful.

Found property must be turned in to the nearest Park Ranger or Visitor Center.

Motor vehicles and bicycles must remain on established roads and parking areas. Bicycles are prohibited from all park trails.

All park areas (including park roads) are closed to the public from sunset to sunrise, except for park resident travel.

Last updated: February 26, 2015

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Richmond, VA 23223



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