
An upward view of trees at Gaines Mill battlefield
Late successional mixed hardwood forest at Gaines' Mill battlefield.

NPS Photo.

Richmond National Battlefield Park has forest communities of various types and successional stages across its many units. From early successional to old-growth forest, visitors to the park can observe the dynamic changes that occur as a forest stand ages. Although the representative species may differ with geographical location and environmental conditions, the process is similar in all forest successional pathways. Certain tree species with high reproductive rates and rapid growth are well-suited for colonization and are first to establish in a disturbed area. Over time, these species are supplemented by others which tend to be less prolific, but are better competitors with longer life spans. The process of succession is often set back by natural disturbances which start the cycle again.

The forest at the park's Cold Harbor unit is representative of a coastal plain mixed oak/heath forest with dry, sandy soils. Forests such as these establish first in pine, followed by a mixed oak dominated community with an herbaceous understory that thins with age. The forest at Cold Harbor is regularly disturbed with prescribed fire to maintain it in an earlier stage of succession, with loblolly pine as its dominant canopy species. Malvern Hill holds the park's largest block of forest, which includes early successional pine-hardwood and mesic mixed hardwood communities. Relatively recently (20-80 years ago) disturbances at Malvern Hill including logging, agriculture, and beaver activity have encouraged more transitional pine species in some areas, while hardwood species make up the older, late successional forest tracts. The forest at Gaines' Mill is also representative of a late successional mixed hardwood forest, dominated by large white oak, beech, and holly trees with a sparse understory. Many of the park's oldest trees can be found at Gaines' Mill.

The various forest types and successional stages found within Richmond National Battlefield park provide suitable habitat for a diverse array of species with a wide range of ecological needs. The park strives to protect these valuable forest habitats as it carries out its goal of managing and interpreting Richmond's historic landscape.

Last updated: January 23, 2022

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