OR 88:1091

September 29, 1864--10:45 a.m.
(Received 12.55 p.m.)

Major-General HALLECK,
Washington :

General Ord's corps advanced this morning and carried the very strong fortifications and long line of intrenchments below Chaffin's farm, with some 15 pieces of artillery and from 200 to 300 prisoners. General Ord was wounded in the leg, though not dangerously. General Birney advanced at the same time from Deep Bottom, and carried the New Market road and intrenchments and scattered the enemy in every direction, though he captured but few. He is now pushing on toward Richmond. I left General Birney where the Mill road intersects the New Market and Richmond roads. The whole country is filled with field fortifications thus far.


Last updated: February 26, 2015

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