Celebrate National Park Week at Pullman

"Pullman" in large green letters with a drawing of the factory site in the background

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News Release Date: April 5, 2017

Chicago, IL – Celebrate National Park Week at your neighborhood national park from April 15 to 23, 2017. Park Ranger Sue Bennett shares, “We’re excited to offer a variety of opportunities to enjoy Chicago’s very own national park at our first National Park Week event. Our staff and partners are offering something for everyone – we hope to see you!” Partners include: National A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum, Pullman Community Choir, Historic Pullman Foundation, and Pullman State Historic Site. 
April 15 - Saturday 11am - 3pm “A. Philip Randolph’s Birthday Celebration and NPS Junior Ranger Day”
Celebrate the spring reopening of the museum and the lasting legacy of A. Philip Randolph, founder of the Porters Union and Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. Junior Ranger program is 11:00am - noon. Location - National A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum; 104th St. (Corliss and Maryland Ave); Donation Suggested.
April 18 - Tuesday 6:30 - 7:30pm “Pullman National Monument 101”
Superintendent Kathleen Schneider will share what the National Park Service (sponsor) is planning for Pullman, and provide updates on the new Visitor Center and other projects. Location: Shared Visitor Information Center 11141 S.
Cottage Grove Ave. Free.
April 21 - Friday 7:30 - 8:30pm “Turn the World Around”
The Pullman Community Choir, a part of the Historic Pullman Foundation, presents an Earth Day Concert directed by Joyce Karnes Beer. Location: Greenstone United Methodist Church, 11211 S. St. Lawrence Ave. Donation suggested.
April 22 - Saturday 8:30am – 2:00pm “Pullman 101 for Teachers”
This Pullman National Monument workshop is designed for curriculum teachers who want to learn more about the Pullman story and classrooms resources. It includes a tour of the historic community and factory complex. Registration required - closes 4-19 (http://bit.ly/2lBSZEm). $10.
April 22 - Saturday 10am – 12pm “The City Dark” Film Screening with the Historic Pullman Foundation
Celebrate Earth Day with a viewing of “The City Dark” for a fascinating look at the science of dark and our relationship to the stars. Hosts: City of Chicago, WBEZ, One Earth Film Festival. Free, but reserve your seat at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-city-dark-earth-daypullman-tickets-33313592853.
April 23 - Sunday 11:30am - 12:30pm “Try an Outdoor Park Prescription at Pullman State Historic Site”
Spend time outdoors at the historic Pullman factory complex. Learn about the history of the site and the community activities that occur there today, including gardening, disc golf, dancing, and more. Get fresh air and learn some fresh community ideas. Meet at the 610 E. 111th Street gate. Free.  

Last updated: April 6, 2017

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