The suite of tools in this section provides PHT segment managers with the ability to assist current and potential PHT users in trip planning as well as navigation. Consistent use of these elements on signage, as well as in print and Web materials, will ensure that users and advocates perceive the network as a unified system and a set of complementary--and outstanding--outdoor recreational experiences. Following are some general tools--terms, use of the official PHT insignia, fonts, symbols, regional locator maps and messages--tools for route marking and tools for publications.
The PHT insignia (logo)
Use of the PHT logo provides visual continuity and recognizes formal relationships between and among PHT segments and the PHT network, the National Trails System, the National Park Service (as the administrator), and PHT management partners. When possible the logo should be placed on the main body of a trail sign in the upper right hand or the lower right hand corner. The official trail logo – three color (black, white, and Pantone 299 blue). PHT segment managers can request versions of the marker as a 3-inch decal (for use on a post), a 3.5-inch plastic marker, and/or as a 9-inch plastic marker.
Fonts To ensure a high level of readability, the following fonts are recommended and reflect Outdoor Developed Area Guidelines that uphold the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA).
Interpretive Themes The statements below describe the PHT network as a whole and can be used to inform content on signs and in printed and Web-based materials. Interpretive themes communicate meanings, concepts, contexts and values represented, collectively, by the resources associated with the PHT; they are fundamental to the task of telling the stories associated with the PHT and of describing the values for which the PHT corridor is nationally significant. Partners are encouraged to use these statements as a basis for site specific interpretive media and programs. § A Meeting Ground of Ideas: The Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail is based on a network of mutually beneficial partnerships to develop and sustain a system of trails and associated resources for recreation, transportation, health, and education between the mouth of the Potomac River and the Allegheny Highlands in western Pennsylvania. Among users and stakeholders, the Trail is also a meeting ground for ideas and practices, reflecting a desire for the conservation of lands and waters, for educational opportunities combined with outdoor recreation, and for a celebration of regional diversity and distinctiveness. § Natural History and Human Ecology: Between the mouth of the Potomac River and the Allegheny Highlands, the Trail corridor includes portions of five distinct physiographic regions. Each region, in different ways, has inspired and shaped human generations with beauty, abundance, and utility. § Nation-Building / Nurturing a Nation: Routes connecting the Potomac River with the Forks of the Ohio River provided an essential context for the development of the US republic, and now connect Trail visitors and users with the places and stories related to the founding and continuing evolution of the nation. § Boundary, Corridor, and Crossroads: As a boundary between north and south and an east to west route into the North American interior, the Potomac River has been a crossroads of opportunity, diversity, and conflict. |
Last updated: January 17, 2018