
Plum Run

A brick bank barn with a hole near the roof caused by a shell
The Trostle barn, near Plum Run, was the site of Sickles wounding and the Union retreat on July 2.

Jason Martz

Quick Facts
Gettysburg National Military Park
While fighting raged to the south at the Wheat- field and Little Round Top, retreating Union soldiers crossed this ground on their way from the Peach Orchard to Cemetery Ridge.
Battlefield Location

Parking - Auto, Parking - Bus/RV

While fighting raged to the south at the Wheatfield and Little Round Top, retreating Union soldiers crossed this ground on their way from the Peach Orchard to Cemetery Ridge.

Watch the Virtual Tour

Explore Plum Run in video through this Virtual Tour.

Gettysburg National Military Park

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1 minute, 43 seconds

While fighting raged to the south at the Wheatfield and Little Round Top, retreating Union soldiers crossed this ground on their way from the Peach Orchard to Cemetery Ridge.

Last updated: September 21, 2022