
Oak Ridge

A monument with an eagle on top backlit by a sunset.
Along Oak Ridge, Union soldiers held this position on July 1, until driven through town after 4 p.m.

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Quick Facts

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Union soldiers here held stubbornly against Rodes’s advance. By 3:30 p.m., however, the entire Union line from here to McPherson Ridge had begun to crumble, finally falling back to Cemetery Hill.

When the first day ended, the Confederates held the upper hand. Lee decided to continue the offensive, pitting his 70,000-man army against Meade’s Union army of 93,000.

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5 minutes, 16 seconds

Union soldiers here held stubbornly against Rodes’s advance. By 3:30 p.m., however, the entire Union line from here to McPherson Ridge had begun to crumble, finally falling back to Cemetery Hill.

Last updated: August 22, 2022