Last updated: October 10, 2024
Moose Entrance Station

Entrance Passes For Sale, Information
Located one mile west of US 26/89/191 on the Teton Park Road, this entrance gate provides access to the central part of Grand Teton National Park. Visitors traveling north from Jackson may not realize that they have entered the park because they haven't passed through a gate. There is no fee to travel on US 26/89/191 through the park and east toward Dubois, WY.
Just east of the gate is the Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center and Dornans. The visitor center offers extensive visitor information and Dornans offers a variety of services. Past the gate, visitors climb the hill to Windy Point Turnout and a spectacular view of the Grand Teton.
Visitor Services
Rangers staff the entrance gate providing visitor information and selling entrance permits. The gate also posts campground availability. When no one is present, you may pick up a park newspaper (including a map) at the Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center (summer). The Jackson Hole Greater Yellowstone Visitor Center in Jackson is open year-round. The gate is not staffed from November 1 through mid-December, but visitors are free to enter the park.
Name Origin
The small community of Moose was once known as Menors Ferry until the USPS requested the name change.
Moose frequent the nearby Snake River in summer and the sagebrush flats of the terraces above in late fall and early winter.