Artifacts of Petersburg

A unique source of information for Archeologists is artifacts. Artifacts are objects people used in their natural form or modified into a different object. Some examples are ceramics, projectile points, nails, brick, and fired crack rock.

After excavation artifacts are cleaned, cataloged, and stored, Archeologists can begin analyzing artifacts to better understand a site and the people who lived and/or worked there. Analysis includes categorizing artifacts into categories called “artifact types”. Some different artifact types include personal and domestic artifacts.

Photo of small personal artifacts, like bullets, a gun, and jewelry. Photo of small personal artifacts, like bullets, a gun, and jewelry.

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Screenshot of SketchFab webpage with an arrowhead found at Petersburg National Battlefield.

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    Last updated: October 27, 2021

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    Petersburg National Battlefield Administration Office
    1539 Hickory Hill Road

    Petersburg, VA 23803


    804 732-3531

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